Complementary medicine and allergy – an evaluation of the facts.
by Dr. A.J. Morris.
Reprinted from: Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology – September 1996 Issue

A. Treatments commonly employed by complementary medical practitioners in allergy treatment
- Homeopathy
- Acupuncture
- Herbal medicine
- Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization
- Ionisation
- Speleotherapy
- Ozone Therapy
B. Diagnostic tests commonly used in complementary medicine
- The Vega test and applied kinesiology
- Hair Analysis
- Leucocytotoxic test
C. Conditions popularised by alternative practitioners which they consider to be associated with allergy
- Systemic Candida hypersensitivity syndrome
- Post viral fatigue syndrome and ME
- Mercury toxicity
D. Complementary Sites
E. References: