Common Allergenic Moulds


Found in both indoor and outdoor environments, especially in wooded areas. This is the commonest allergy-provoking mound in all parts of South Africa.


Found on decaying vegetation and especially on seaweed; is highly allergenic.


Grows on cereal grains, is found in barns and also indoors in damp homes, especially in bathrooms.


Common on spoiled food and in wine cellars, but is less allergy-provoking than the other moulds.



1. Mould control measures in the home


a. General control measures

Ensure home is adequately ventilated or aired, as closed-up houses prevent the escape of moisture and encourage mould growth. Limit the number of indoor houseplants. Dehumidifiers may be used if available. Do not store firewood indoors. Wipe down mould-infested surfaces, walls and ceilings with bleach or apply mould-resistant paint.


b. The Kitchen

Use of extractor fans (if available) will remove steam produced during cooking or boiling of kettle. Make sure water pans below self-defrosting refrigerators are frequently emptied. Tumble dryers can also increase indoor humidity and promote mould growth. Rubbish bins should be emptied and cleaned frequently.


c. The Bathroom

Open all windows after showering or bathing. Wash down shower curtains, tiles, shower cubicle, bath and ceiling with household bleaches such as Jik or Milton which kill moulds. Do not carpet the bathroom. Air all cupboards frequently. If cupboards are damp use louver doors instead of soil doors. Hang damp towels in sunshine to dry.


d. The Bedroom

Replace fitted carpets with linoleum or floor tiles. Enclose the mattress and pillow with impermeable synthetic covers. Remove indoor plants and never store food in the bedroom. Dry away any condensation on windows. Wipe down damp window frames. Air cupboards and never store damp shoes, clothing, and luggage or leather goods in cupboards. Curtains, wood paneling and wallpaper may support the growth of moulds. Humidifiers and steamers used to treat croup will promote mould growth in the bedroom. A low wattage (40w) light bulb or chemical moisture remover will limit mould growth if placed in cupboards.


2. Outdoors

Allergic people should avoid cutting grass and especially old grass cuttings. They should not rake leaves and must wear a mask over their nose and mouth if they have to carry out these activities. Mould spores are most prevalent on dry and windy days. Avoid exposure to soil, compost piles, sandboxes, hay, vines and barns. Feed stores on farms are full of moulds. Correct water drainage problems near the house as pooled water increases mould formation. Avoid camping or walking in forests or densely vegetated areas especially during autumn and winter months when there are a lot of dead leaves on the ground.


3. Occupational exposure

Farmers, Gardeners, Bakers, Brewers, Florists, Carpenters, Mill workers, Wine makers and Wallpaper hangers are most at risk for developing mould allergy. Faulty air-conditioners can harbor and distribute moulds. Greenhouses and wine cellars tend to encourage mould growth.



Ref: Morris A. Mould Allergy, ALLSA Patient Information Series, Mould Allergy 1994.


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