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This is a peer reviewed site.
In accordance with our mission statement these pages of information are intended for medical health care professionals, allergic patients and the public at large.

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Sponsorship of ALLSA &
the Journal Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology

AstraZeneca   Boehringer-Ingelheim    
Laboratory Specialities    
Nestle    Novartis   UCB    Schering-Plough

What is ALLSA ?

ALLSA is the national Allergy Society of South Africa representing all related allied health professionals.

The purpose of ALLSA is:

  • to advance the knowledge and practice of allergy and immunology through publications, meetings, and conferences;
  • to foster the education of both students and the public;
  • to promote and stimulate allergy and immunology research study; and,
  • to encourage cooperation among those engaged in the field of allergy and immunology.

Contact Details

The Allergy Society of South Africa

P.O.Box 88
Observatory 7935
Cape Town
South Africa

Tel: +27 (0)21 – 4479019
Fax: +27 (0)21 – 4480846

Correspondence Membership Application

Reference books, Journals, Slides, and other resources available for members at the ALLSA   Resource   Centre.


Awards and Credits

Much thanks to Mrs Ruwayda Adams and Ms Belinda Genna for all their help in typing of documents, and a special thanks to all the authors of these pages!

These pages and their contents are being revised and developed on a continuous basis, and depends a lot on your input. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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