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Appendix XII

Analysis of

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Nasal Eosinophils

Written by Dilys Berman & Ann Toerien

HanselпїЅs Stain
Method used referenced from Sheldon, Lovell and MathewsпїЅ пїЅA Manual of Clinical AllergyпїЅ (published by W B Saunders Company, 1967).


1:200 eosin stain

0,30 g eosin
60,00 ml methyl alcohol


1:100 Methylene blue stain

0.60 methylene blue
60,00 ml methyl alcohol


Distilled water



95% ethanol


Stains should be kept in amber dropper bottles and freshly made up every 2 months.

Staining Methods

  1. Flood an air dried slide with eosin stain and allow to stand for 1 minute.
  2. Add an equal volume distilled water for 1 minute.
  3. Drain and flood slide with distilled water until all the stain is removed.
  4. Flood slide with 95% ethanol and then drain.
  5. Stain immediately with methylene blue for 1 minute.
  6. Add an equal volume distilled water until all the stain is removed.
  7. Flood slide with distilled water until all the stain is removed.
  8. Flood slide with 95% ethanol and air dry.
  9. Examine under oil immersion.


  1. Small child to sit on motherпїЅs lap.
  2. Explain the procedure to the mother and child.
  3. Using a clean, dry glass rod gently remove mucus from inner surface of nostril.
  4. Spread evenly over surface of clean glass slide.
  5. Label and date slide.

An alternative way of collecting a sample would be for the patient to blow their nose on wax paper.

Nasal Eosinophils Interpretation

Grade 1:

No cells seen

Grade 2:

Only occasional eosinophils on smear.

Grade 3:

Present but scanty and scattered throughout smear.

Grade 4:

Approximately ¼ cells on smear eosinophils.

Grade 5:

Approximately ½ cells on smear eosinophils.

Grade 6:

Almost all cells on smear eosinophils.

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