2014 ALLSA Congress

General Information

Registration Information

The congress organisers will confirm all registrations in writing only once full payment has been received. The registration fees are payable in South African

Rands only and will include:

  • Admission to all scientific sessions for the duration of the congress including breakfast symposia, excluding the pre-congress workshop
  • Congress bag
  • Programme, abstract book and other congress material
  • Luncheons and teas
  • Admission to the cocktail function

Registration Procedures:

The registration form must be completed in full Click here. Please return your registration form with proof of payment to e‐mail:

[email protected]  or fax: 086 592 3390. You will receive confirmation of registration within 72 hours of submitting your registration form and proof of

payment. Should you not receive your confirmation please contact Yvonne on e‐mail:

[email protected]  or tel: +27 11 954 5753.

Cancellation of Registration

Notice of cancellation must be given in writing. Cancellations received by the 25th of June 2014 will result in a 25% penalty. All cancellations received after the

25th of June 2014 will not be eligible for any refund and will result in a 100% cancellation fee.

Personal Insurance

Please note that all delegates are responsible for their own travel insurance, medical insurance and cancellation fees.


The congress will be conducted in English. No translation service will be available.

CPD Accreditation

All scientific sessions and the breakfast symposia will be CPD accredited.

Name Badges

All participants must wear their name badges during the congress, whilst visiting the exhibition area and during social functions for security reasons.


Should you require any flight reservations please contact Karen Ashley at Club Travel on e‐mail

[email protected] or on +27 11 760 1660

Or visit the following websites: www.flysaa.com  /

www.kulula.com  /

www.flymango.com  /


Airport Transfers

Our preferred supplier for airport transfers is Golf and Game Safaris. They will be running transfers from King Shaka International Airport to the Elangeni

Hotel at the cost of R500.00 per person return at the following times.

Wednesday 6 August departing King Shaka at
08h00 11h00 15h00
Thursday 7 August departing King Shaka at
08h00 11h00 13h00 15h00 17h00 19h00
Friday 8 August departing King Shaka at
08h00 11h00 13h00 15h00 17h00 19h00
Sunday 10 August departing Elangeni Hotel at
08h00 10h00 12h00 14h00

These transfers are not complimentary and will be for your own account. All transfers must be pre-booked. If you are interested in using this shuttle

service, please book and pay directly with Golf and Game Safaris.

Cindy de Vries: Tel +27 39 975 2002 / Cell +27 82 894 0663 / E-mail:

[email protected] 


Neither the committee of the ALLSA 2014 congress nor Londocor Event Management accept liability for death, injury, any loss, cost of expense suffered or incurred by any person

if such loss is caused or result from the act, default or omission of any person. In particular neither the committee of the ALLSA 2014 congress nor Londocor can accept any liability

for losses arising from the provision or non‐provision of services provided by local companies or transport operators. Nor can the committee of the ALLSA 2014 congress or

Londocor accept liability for losses suffered by reason of war, including threat of war, riots and civil strife, terrorist activity, natural disaster, weather, fire, flood, drought, technical,

mechanical or electrical breakdown within any premises visited by delegates and/or partners in connection with the ALLSA 2014 congress, industrial dispute, governmental

action, regulations or technical problems which may affect the services provided in connection with the ALLSA 2014 congress. Neither the committee of the ALLSA 2014 congress

nor Londocor is able to give warranty that any particular person will appear as a speaker or panelist. Right of admission is reserved. Trade companies, who do not exhibit at the

Congress, may not enter the congress or exhibition area.