Membership Application
The Allergy Society of South Africa has advanced considerably since it’s inception 13 years ago. We are now fully affiliated to IAACI, (International Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) our international parent body, and we are the ninth largest national allergy society in the world, with over 700 members. Our National Office has become a hive of activity and information dissemination – at considerable expense in postage, stationery and telecommunication costs.
Whilst the income to the Society derived from membership fees is modest in comparison to the revenue generated by sponsorship and advertising in the journal “Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology”, this all helps to enable us to finance the expansion and development of our many and varied activities to promote “Good Allergy Practice”.
Readers are invited to apply for membership of the Allergy Society of South Africa.
Click here to view – The Constitution of the Allergy Society of South Africa
Ordinary members
Open to all registered medical practitioners, registered health professionals and scientists engaged in the practice of research or teaching of allergy and/or clinical immunology. Besides the various medical specialists this category can also include Botanists, Mycologists, Veterinarians, etc.
Affiliated members
Persons who could aid the aims of the Society, but do not fulfil the ordinary membership criteria. Their applications will be considered on merit by the Executive Committee provided they submit in writing evidence that they are involved in the promotion of, or science of allergy.
South African Health Care Professionals (i.e. with a mailing address in South Africa), are invited to apply for membership of ALLSA. Membership confers several benefits and privileges:
- 1. The ALLSA journal “Current Allergy & Immunology” is sent to you quarterly
- 2. Originals of each and any of the numerous Patient Information Sheets on various medical topics such as Seafood Allergy, House Dust Mite Allergy, Latex Allergy, etc are available to you free of charge for your patients (Note: postage is to be paid)
- 3. Preferential ALLSA Congress registration rates
- 4. Support for an organisation that is working to support you in your practice.
The cost is just R300.00 per annum.
International Health Care Professionals (i.e. with a mailing address anywhere in the world outside South Africa) are also invited to apply for membership. This confers the same benefits as for South African Health Care Professionals. However the cost of membership for a year is $100 (U.S. Dollars) due to the greatly increased postal costs for sending out the journals to an international destination.
ALLSA was originally and is still primarily a professional medical organisation for the improved education of allergy researchers and health care professionals managing patients with the various allergic conditions. However, with the rapidly developing trend towards the education of patients with medical knowledge, there is a very great interest from allergic patients and the parents of allergic children to learn more about the diagnosis and management of asthma, rhinitis, food allergy and all the other allergy-related medical conditions.
However, the constitution of ALLSA does not accommodate membership by persons other than medical professionals. In addition, due to the nature of some of the information contained in the journal “Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology”, it may also not be supplied to persons other than health care professional health.
Click here to view the online membership form