MBChB(Rand); DCH; FCPaed(SA); DTM&H(Wits); MMed(Paed)(Wits); FCCP; PhD(Med)(Wits) and Diploma in Allergy(SA)
Department of Paediatrics, University of Pretoria, Pretoria
Current Position:
Associate Professor, Prinicipal Paediatrician and Paediatric Pulmonologist at the University of Pretoria
Professional Activities:
- Executive member – Organising Committee – All 4 Kids Congress 2006
- Student Block Chairman (Block 10 – Paediatrics & Child Health) University of Pretoria
- Executive member – S.A. Childhood Asthma Working Group
- Executive member – National Asthma Education Programme (NAEP)
- Chairman – 3rd NAEP Asthma for Africa Congress Organising Committee
- Paediatric Editor – S.A. Respiratory Journal
- Member of various national and international professional societies
- He has several publications
Areas of Interest:
- Upper airway allergy
- Pharmacoeconomics
- Respiratory diseases
National Diploma – Medical Laboratory Technologist; BS.c(UCT); MBChB(UCT)
Allergy Diagnositc & Clinical Research Unit UCT Lung Institute, George Street, Mowbray
Current Position:
Principal Medical Officer in the Department of Allergology at Groote Schuur Hospital & Red Cross Children’s Hospital and Consults at the Allergy Diagnostic & Clinical Research Unit at UCT
Professional Activities:
- Member of ALLSA
- Performs Drug Challenges at ADCRU
- Latex Allergy Clinic at GSH for all hospital staff in the Western Cape
- Works in conjunction with the Pharmacology Department and Medicine Information Centre at GSH regarding drug allergies
- Lectures to Pharmacists and local GP’s at their CMEs
- Several publications in peer reviewed journals, and has been involved in over 33 clinical trials
- Supervised diatetics honours students at UCT and this work has been presented internationally
- Co-autor of ABC of Allergy (with Dr. S Emanuel) for Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology journal
Areas of Interest:
- Food and chemical/drug sensitivities
MBChB(Pret); MMed(Paed)(Pret); Paediatric Pulmonology
Suite 200 & Allergy Clinic, NetCare Clinton Hospital, Alberton, Johannesburg
Current Position:
Paediatrician and Paediatric Pulmonologist, Private Practice
Professional Activities:
- Private Practitioner
- Special interest in paediatric pulmonology and allergy
- Clinical Research
- Executive member of ALLSA 2001-2006
- Convenor of ALLSA “State of the Art” congress 2003
- Convenor of ALLSA “Kids-4-All” congress 2006
- Convenor of ALLSA congress 2011
- ALLSA “Distinguished Service Award” 2006
- Coordinator ALLSA Primary Immunodeficiency Working Group
Areas of Interest:
- Airway allergy, asthma management and asthma research
- Paediatric Pulmonology
- Clinical immunology & recurrent airway infections
- Viral airway infections
BSc(Unin); MBChB(Natal); MMed(Medunsa)Paed; DCH,Dip.Allerg(SA); FAAAAI., Cert.Pulmonology(SA)Paed
P.O. Box 835
Masingita 0832
Current Position:
Associate Professor and Head of Clinical Department of Pulmonology and Allergy Polokwane/Mankweng Complex and University of Limpopo
Professional Activities:
- Executive Committee member of ALLSA.
- Member of the South African Childhood Acute Asthma Task Team.
- Member of the Internship Evaluation sub-committee of the HPCSA .
- Member of the National Polio Certification Committee.
- Member of the South African Thoracic Society.
- Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
- Published a number of Review Articles in South African Journals.
- Member of the editorial board of the South African Paediatric Reviews.
- Convener of the 2010 Allergy congress in Limpopo.
Areas of Interest:
- Asthma and allergic rhinitis
- Latex Allergy
MBChB(Natal); FCP(PAED)(SA); Diploma in Allergology(SA); FAAAAI
Suite 218, Highway Medical Centre, Westville Hospital Spine Road, Westville
Current Position:
Paediatrician in Private Practice
Professional Activities:
- Executive member of ALLSA since 1993
- Past Chairman of ALLSA
- Current Chairman of the South African Childhood Eczema Working Group
- Fellow of the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology
- Organized four ALLSA Congresses in Durban
- Awarded the “Eugene Weinberg” medal for outstanding performance in the College of Medicine examinations in Allergology in 2003
- He has several publications
Areas of Interest:
- Atopic eczema
- Food allergy
- Drug allergy
MBChB(Cape Town); MD(Cape Town); DCH(SA); MFGP(SA); FFPM(RCP);
Dip Mid COG(SA)
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Private Bag X30 Sunninghill 2157
Current Position:
Executive Director for AstraZeneca (South Africa) Responsible for Clinical,
Medical and Regulatory Affairs
Professional Activities:
- Executive member of ALLSA
- Past Chairman of ALLSA
- Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (UK).
- Director of various other companies
- Appointed Adjunct Professor (Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Served on a World Health Organisation Task Force compiling guidelines for the prevention of asthma and allergic diseases
- Professorial duties at UCT which include his presence on various standing committees such as the Institute of Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine and the Innovation Technology Transfer Company
- Chairman of both the PPS Holding Company and PPS Insurance Company
- He has published and lectured both nationally and internationally on both academic and pharmaceutically related topics.
Areas of Interest:
- Epidemiology and immunology of the allergic response.
MBChB(UCT); DCH(SA); FCP(SA); MMed(Paed)(UCT); M Phil (Applied Ethics)(SU)
Department of Paediatrics & Child Health, Tygerberg Children’s Hospital and Stellenbosch University
Current Position:
Senior Specialist, Paediatric ICU and Allergy Clinic
Professional Activities:
- Executive member of ALLSA
- Past Chairman of ALLSA
- Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (UK).
- Director of various other companies
- Appointed Adjunct Professor (Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Served on a World Health Organisation Task Force compiling guidelines for the prevention of asthma and allergic diseases
- Professorial duties at UCT which include his presence on various standing committees such as the Institute of Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine and the Innovation
Technology Transfer Company
- Chairman of both the PPS Holding Company and PPS Insurance Company
- He has published and lectured both nationally and internationally on both academic and pharmaceutically related topics.
Areas of Interest:
- Allergy Society of South Africa
- Executive Committee member since 1998
- Secretary 2001 – 2006
- Chairman 2007 – 2009
- Past Chairman 2010 – current
- Previously chair of education subcommittee
- Research subcommittee
- Secretary of the South African Childhood Asthma Working Group
- Editorial Board member of Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology
- Co-ordinator of the Diploma of Allergyology and ALLSA Update
- Congress organisation
- Organiser, Allergic Rhinitis Update 199
- Co-convenor of Kidz n All congress 1n 200
- Member of Scientific Committee of combined ALLSA/SATS 2007 congress
- Chair, congress organizing committee, ALLSA Congress 2012
- Colleges of Medicine of South Africa
- College of Paediatricians of South Africa
- Secretary
- Examiner and convenor of examinations
- Convenor and examiner, Diploma in Allergology
Areas of Interest:
- Clinical ethics committees and consultations
- Asthma
- Postgraduate education and examination
MBChB, FCPaed; MMEd; PhD Diploma Allergology; MAAAAI
Division of Allergy, Department of Paediatrics, UCT Red Cross Hospital
Current Position:
Head of Division of Allergy, Department of Paediatrics Head of Red Cross Hospital allergy unit
Professional Activities:
- Active member of ALLSA, member of ALLSA executive committee
- Special interest in difficult to treat asthma and food allergy
- Runns active allergy teaching programs in paediatric allergy for undergraduate students, postgraduate students and qualified practitioners
- Served as and examiner for Sllergy Diploma every year since 2006
- Organised Paeditatric allergy refresher course in 2011 and member of Organising Committee of ALLsa 2012 Congress
- Lectured at numerous local CPD accredited meeting sand presented 34 posters or talks on 21 accasions at national and international allergy congresses
- Past Chair of National Asthma Education Programme
- Author or co-author of 32 peer reviewed articles, 25 concerning allergies in SA phenotypes of allergy and sensitisation in Xhosa teens, peanut allergy in Cape Town, the efficacy of bottle spacers and HIV transmission in Cape Town
- Current research included a birth cohort study on allergy and atopy and a prospective study of IgE-meidated food allergy
Areas of Interest:
- Culture and language, and their influence of quality of health care
- Board of the Kidzpositive family fund
- Head of an outreach project for paediatric HIV care in Du Noon township
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery University of Cape Town 1996(summa cum laude)
- Membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, London 2002
- Master of Science in clinical Pharmacology(MSc), University of Surrey 2002, with distinction
- RCPCH Diploma in Paediatric Nutrition, United Kingdom 2005
- Postgraduate Diploma in Allergy. University of Southampton 2007, top student
- PhD in Paediatrics(Allergy): Enrolled May 2011, currently ongoing
Current Position:
I’m currently in a part time post at Red Cross Children’s Hospital as a paediatric consultant in the allergy and asthma clinic and an honorary senior lecture with the University of Cape Town, a post I have held since September 2009. At Red Cross, I am involved in asthma, chronic urticaria and food allergy clinics and am actively involved with departmental research into food allergy prevalence. I am furthermore working as a paediatric consultant in private practice at Vincent Pallotti Hospital.
Research and Teaching
I am currently runnning a research project investigating food allergy in children with atopic dermatitis and am enrolled for a PHD based on this study. I am involved in student and registrar teaching, and present regularly at our work weekly departmental allergy meetings and the ALLSA journals clubs. I am a member of the Allergy Society of South Africa, the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and The American Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
I have several allergy-related publications in peer reviewed journals and have presented at numerous local and international meetings on allergy related topics over the past few years
I would be most honoured to be able to serve on the ALLSA ExCom and hopefully contribute toward the work of this excellent society.
MBChB(UCT), Diploma of Allergology, FCPaed(SA), MRCPCH(UK), DCH(SA)
Current Position:
Paediatrician in private practice at Chris Barnard Memorial Hospital, Cape Town Senior Lecturer in Division of Asthma and Allergy, Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, UCT, Cape Town
Professional Activities:
- ALLSA member and member of the AAAAI, BSACI, CSACi
- Completed training in Allergology at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital 207-2009
- Perform postgraduate level teaching and training for undergraduate and postgraduate paediatric registrars, medical students and nursing staff
- Several allergy – related articles published in accredited journals (CME and Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology)
- Contributed to a chapter in the most recent Allergy Society of South Africa Handbook of Practical Allergy (3rd Edition)
- Presenter at local (ALLSA congress/Paediatric Refresher course) and international Allergy conference including at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 2009